ESMA Publishes Responses to Regulatory Technical Standards under ELTIF
On 2 July 2019, ESMA has published the responses received to its consultation on draft regulatory technical standards under the ELTIF Regulation.
ESMA Updates Q&A on AIFMD
The Q&A document provides responses to questions posed by the general public and competent authorities in relation to the practical application of the AFIDM.
The EU Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance publishes their Taxonomy Technical Report
The report is part of the EU Commission’s overall effort to create a unified standard for sustainable economic activities in the European Union, which is expected to significantly impact the private equity and venture capital industry.
AIFMDDisclosure RequirementsGovernanceMarketingJapan Deemed a Sector Specific, Safe Third Country by the Danish DPA
Transfer of personal data from Denmark to (private) organisations in Japan that are subject to the APPI will not require prior approval from the DPA.
ComplianceDanish RegulationGDPRCouncil Approves Regulation on Cross-Border Distribution of AIFs
On 14 June 2019 the Council adopted the new regulation on facilitating cross-border distributions of AIFs.
Cross-BorderMarketingPre-MarketingVenture CapitalNew Directive to Amend AIFMD has been Adopted
On 14 June 2019 the Council adopted the new directive amending i.a. the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD).
AIFMDCross-BorderMarketingPre-MarketingRetail InvestorsVenture CapitalDanish Company Faces Prosecution and a Fine of DKK 1.5 mill. for GDPR Violation
On 11 June 2019, the Danish Data Protection Agency ("DPA") has reported a Danish furniture company to the Danish police for not deleting information on approx. 385,000 customers.
ComplianceDanish RegulationGDPRDAC6 Expected to be Transposed into Danish Law in Second Half of 2019
DAC6, the new EU directive regarding mandatory reporting in relation to arrangements with cross-border implications DAC6, will increase reporting requirements for arrangements that have cross-border implications.
ComplianceDAC6Disclosure RequirementsEU Parliament Approves Final Compromise to Amend AIFMD
Highlights include a definition of pre-marketing, rules on de-notification in countries with no investor interests and rules on facilities made available to retail investors.
AIFMDCross-BorderMarketingPre-MarketingRetail InvestorsNew Rules on EuVECA Conflicts of Interest
On 22 May 2019 the European Commission adopted delegated regulation specifying different types of conflicts of interest of managers of European Venture Capital Funds (EuVECA) and the steps to be taken in terms of structures, organisational and administrative procedures.
Conflict of Interests (COI)GovernanceVenture CapitalDanish Parliament Strengthens Registration Requirements of Ultimate Beneficial Owners
On 2 May 2019, the Danish Parliament adopted amendments to the Danish Companies Act, which implements part of the 5th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive.
Beneficial OwnershipComplianceDanish RegulationDisclosure RequirementsKYC / AMLESMA Submits Report on Sustainability Risks and Factors in the AIFMD and UCITS Directive
On 30 April 2019, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published its final report on integrating sustainability risks and factors relating to environmental, social and good governance considerations in the AIFMD and UCITS Directive.
AIFMDESMAGovernanceRegulatory Technical StandardsRisk ManagementSustainabilityEU Parliament Approves Final Compromise on Proposed Regulation on Cross-Border Distribution of AIFs
The new regulation establishes uniform rules on i.a. fees and charges, and it amends the EuVECA regulation to include a pre-marketing definition.
Cross-BorderMarketingPre-MarketingFine of DKK 1.2. mio. Recommeded for Taxi Company’s Storage of Costumer Phone Numbers
On 25 March 2019, the Danish Data Protection Agency submitted a notice to the Danish police regarding a Danish taxi company’s violation of GDPR for storage of customer phone numbers.
ComplianceDanish RegulationGDPRESMA Consults on Regulatory Technical Standards Under the ELTIF Regulation
On 28 March 2019, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) issued a Consultation Paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) under article 25 of the ELTIF Regulation.
ESMAKID / PRIIPSManagement RemunerationRegulatory Technical StandardsProposal to Strengthen the Registration of Ultimate Beneficial Owners
On 13 March 2019, the Danish Government presented a proposal for an amendment of various acts including the Danish Companies Act which implements part of the 5th EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive concerning the registration of ultimate beneficial owners.
Beneficial OwnershipComplianceDanish RegulationDisclosure RequirementsKYC / AMLGuidance Signal Excludes Certain Alternative Investment Funds From VAT Exemption on Management Fees
On 8 March 2019, the Danish Tax Agency published a draft guidance signal for public hearing. If implemented, the guidance signal will exclude certain alternative investment funds from VAT exemption on management fees.
Danish RegulationManagement RemunerationCommission Adopts Changes to the Risk-Weight of Certain Alternative Investments (Solvency II)
An amendment to the delegated regulation (EU) 2015/35 was adopted by the European Commission 8 March 2019. The legislation includes changes to the risk-weight of certain alternative investments.
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