IPEV Board has Started Review Process for the IPEV Valuation Guidelines
The IPEV Board has started the 2021 review process for the IPEV Valuation Guidelines.
ValuationThe Danish FSA: Significant Room for Improvement for SFDR Disclosures
The Danish FSA has assessed the quality of 4 pension companies and eight credit institutions' website disclosures with regards to information about their policies on the integration of sustainability risks in the investment decision-making process.
AIFMDComplianceDisclosure RequirementsSustainabilityDanish FSA Clarifies New Pre-Marketing Rules
The pre-marketing rules provided by the Cross Border Directive was transposed into Danish law on 1 July 2021.
AIFMDCross-BorderPre-MarketingApplication of SFDR Level 2 Obligations Delayed (Again)
The European Commission has once again delayed the application of the level 2 obligations of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) until January 2023.
AIFMDComplianceDisclosure RequirementsSustainabilityThe Pitchbook Q3 EU Venture and Private Equity Reports
Pitchbook has published its European Venture Report for Q3 2021. as well as it European Private Equity Breakdown for Q3 2021. Get an outline of the highlights here.
Pitchbook Q3 Global M&A Report
Pitchbook has released its report on the Global M&A market in Q3 2021. In line with the VC and the PE market, the market for M&A has been recovering well from a slower year in 2020 and is seeing a lot of activity.
ESMA has Issued Guidelines on Marketing Communication
The guidelines apply to all marketing communication addressed to investors or potential investors for AIFs, including amongst others when they are set up as EuVECAs.
Cross-BorderESMAMarketingPre-MarketingVenture CapitalProposal for Stronger EU AML/CFT Rules
On 21 July 2021, the European Commission presented a package of legislative proposals to strengthen the EU’s anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) rules.
KYC / AMLInsurance Companies Encouraged to Invest in Long-Term Equity by way of Capital Relief
The EU Commission has published a proposal to amend the EU insurance directive (known as "Solvency II") so that insurance companies can scale up long-term investments.
Solvency IIThe EU Commission Contemplates Amendments to the Criteria Required to Qualify as a Professional Investor
The EU Commission has, as part of its strategy for retail investors, completed a consultation process that, among others, invited the industry to share its views on the existing professional investor categorization, including the introduction of a new category of professional investors, in MiFID II.
MarketingNew Rules for the Calculation and Presentation of Risks, Rewards and Costs in Key Information Documents
The EU Commission has amended the EU delegated regulation for the presentation and the content of the Key Information Document (KID) that sets out information on risks, rewards and costs to be given to retail investors (i.e. non-professional investors) in good time before they invest in alternative investment funds etc.
KID / PRIIPSEU Platform for Sustainable Finance Calls for Feedback on a Social Taxonomy
The EU Platform on Sustainable Finance has published its draft reports on the merits and potential design of a social taxonomy.
SustainabilityCommission Delays Application Date for the ESG Disclosure and Taxonomy Regulations
The Commission has postponed the date of application of the detailed regulatory technical standards (RTS) under the ESG Disclosure Regulation and the Taxonomy Regulation by six months from 1 January 2022 to 1 July 2022.
ComplianceCross-BorderDanish RegulationCommission Clarifies Questions of Interpretation Regarding ESG Disclosures
The Commission has answered a number of questions from the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) regarding the ESG Disclosure Regulation.
ComplianceCross-BorderDanish RegulationThe Value Reporting Foundation – The Merger of IIRC and SASB
The International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) has merged to form the Value Reporting Foundation.
SustainabilityVenture CapitalNew Pre-Marketing Regime has been Transposed into Danish law
The new pre-marketing regime provided by the Cross-Border Directive has by 1 July 2021 been transposed into Danish law.
AIFMDCross-BorderPre-MarketingEuropean Commission has Launched a Public Consultation on a Retail Investment Strategy
On 11 May 2021, the European Commission launched a public consultation on a retail investment strategy for Europe.
AIFMDMarketingPre-MarketingRetail InvestorsReclassification of Tax Transparent Entities
On 19 and 20 April 2021, the Danish tax authorities published two rulings from the Tax Assessment Council (in Danish: Skatterådet) regarding reclassification of tax transparent entities
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