9 Dec 2022
Impact and ESGUpdates
On 23 November 2022, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (“DFSA”) published a thematic review on sustainability-related information in remuneration policies. The DFSA reviewed information given by six selected pension funds and life insurance companies.
7 Dec 2022
Impact and ESGUpdates
On 31 October 2022, the European Commission adopted amendments to the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/1288 determining regulatory technical standards (RTS) for the SFDR. The amendments aim to ensure that disclosures in future will ensure full transparency about investments in the sectors covered by the Complementary Delegated Act.
Disclosure Requirements
7 Dec 2022
Impact and ESGUpdates
On 1 December 2022, the Council adopted its general approach on the proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDDD) which was adopted by the European Commission on 23 February 2022. This completes the negotiations in the Council.
21 Nov 2022
Impact and ESGUpdates
The European Parliament has passed the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (“CSRD”). CSRD replaces the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (“NFRD”), and introduces higher requirements of more detailed reporting, and a mandatory EU sustainability reporting standard.
27 Oct 2022
Impact and ESGUpdates
The European Commission has proposed a prohibition on making products made with forced labour available on the EU market as well as exporting such products from EU. The proposal shall be seen in connection with the proposal for a Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD) adopted by the European Commission in February.
5 Oct 2022
Impact and ESGUpdates
Invest Europe has published a set of ESG reporting guidelines with the aim of providing user-friendly and advanced guidelines on sustainability reporting within the European private capital sector.
30 Sep 2022
Impact and ESGUpdates
The Swedish Finansinspektionen has reviewed 30 Swedish-registered UCITS- and special funds with sustainable investment as their goal (SFDR article 9 funds). Finansinspektionen analyzed how fund managers met the requirements for providing sustainability-related information to investors.
17 Aug 2021
Impact and ESGUpdates
The EU Platform on Sustainable Finance has published its draft reports on the merits and potential design of a social taxonomy.
10 May 2021
Impact and ESGUpdates
On 25 October 2020, the European Commission launched a public consultation on a possible EU-level regulatory initiative dedicated to foster long-term sustainable and responsible corporate behavior.
24 Feb 2021
Impact and ESGTrends
Many investors (from business angels to mature stage investor) focus on how to develop and implement responsible investment practices specifically for their own organisation. We believe it’s key for investors to first consider what they want to achieve as well as why and how. That mission should be reflected throughout the investment process and portfolio management.